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Monday 18 January 2016

CHAN: Ekpo advises Eagles

Super Eagles B in Pretoria, South Africa
Friday Ekpo has advised the Super Eagles to be wary of Niger when they meet in their first Group C match at the 2016 African Nations Championship on Monday.
The tournament, which is holding in Rwanda, began on Saturday. Tunisia and Guinea are the other teams in Nigeria’s group.
Niger played two friendly matches against Cameroon and Ethiopia ahead of the tournament. The Mena lost 1-0 to Cameroon but drew 1-1 against Ethiopia.
“Niger is not a small team but they should pose no problem for Nigeria,” former Akwa United coach Ekpo told our correspondent.
“The Eagles should not underrate them.They will be under no pressure to win the match because they are nowhere near Nigeria in the FIFA rankings.
“The Eagles should take it as if they are playing a big team to ensure that they get the points secured and relieve themselves of pressure in their remaining matches.
“A win in the first match will enable them to keep the tempo for the remaining two games in the group and press for the title.”
He added that the team needed a strong midfield to push for the title.
He said, “The midfielders have not been doing too well in the matches they played. They need a strong midfield to score goals and also keep the opponents at bay. If their midfielders work well, I see them playing in the final.”

Eagles face tricky Niger test

Super Eagles
Festus Abu
Nigeria open their   Rwanda 2016 African Nations Championship campaign against Niger in Kigali on Monday with the Super Eagles looking to prove their title credentials.
The Eagles, who are housed in Group C alongside Tunisia, Niger and Guinea, have yet to win the tournament, which was first played in Ivory Coast in 2009. DR Congo won the competition.
Nigeria did not qualify for the championship for players playing their trade in their football countries’ leagues until the 2014 finals in South Africa. Stephen Keshi guided the Eagles to a third-place finish in the tournament won by Libya.
The Eagles, who missed out on a place in the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations in Equatorial Guinea, will be under pressure to win Rwanda 2016, and Nigeria coach Sunday Oliseh believes his men are ready for the challenge.
The team arrived in Rwanda in high spirits on Friday ahead of the tournament, which kicked off on Saturday.
According to Oliseh, the team have done enough work at their training camp in Pretoria, South Africa and are set for the tricky tie against minnows Mena,
“The camp mood is very good, right from the beginning the boys have been focused and cohesion among them is great,” Oliseh told Goal.
“We are building a team, our objective is not just about winning the championship, but for the team to get better and also build a solid team.
“If you notice the team, the players are very young and we plan to integrate some of them into the main team for the Africa Cup of Nations and World Cup qualifiers.”
The Tunisia ’94 Africa Cup of Nations winner insists he is not missing any players as the squad boast quality players.
Oliseh said, “The players I love to have in my squad are here in Rwanda, we picked the players that qualified us for the Championship.
“We have quality options in the team, I don’t think we are missing anyone in the team.”
Niger are one of the weakest teams on the continent, with their best result in any international game their 7-1 hammering of Mauritania in the Algiers ’90 Africa Cup of Nations.
The Mena, who are currently 105 in the FIFA rankings, after moving places up the ladder, have only featured in the Africa Cup of Nations twice – 2012 and 2013, crashing out in the group stages. They played for the first time in the 2011 CHAN in Sudan and were dumped out in the knockout stage.
The landlocked country have lost thrice to Nigeria, with the latest being their 2-0 defeat in a friendly affair in Port Harcourt last year.
In the buildup for CHAN, the Mena lost 1-0 to Cameroon and drew 1-1 with Ethiopia.
Meanwhile, Nigeria goalkeeperDavid Obiazor has predicted a difficult match against Niger.
“The Eagles will beat Niger but it will not come on a platter of gold rather as a result of hard work,”Obiozor was quoted by supersport as saying.
“There are many match winners in the team who on a good match day can destroy any opposition.”

Saturday 16 January 2016

René Angélil, le mari de Céline Dion, est décédé à l'âge de 73 ans


René Angélil, le mari de Céline Dion, est décédé à l'âge de 73 ans

René Angélil, mari et imprésario de Céline Dion, est décédé jeudi à l’âge de 73 ans. Il était atteint d’un cancer de la gorge.
René Angélil, mari et imprésario de Céline Dion, est décédé jeudi à l’âge de 73 ans des suites d’un cancer de la gorge. Il s’est éteint dans sa résidence de Las Vegas. La chanteuse a posté un message sur son compte Twitter annonçant la mort de son mari après un « long et courageux combat ».

Les stars rendent hommage à René Angélil


Réné Angélil et Celine Dion

Le mari de Céline Dion, René Angélil, est décédé hier à l'âge de 73 ans. Les célébrités ont été nombreuses à lui rendre hommage sur les réseaux sociaux."Même quand on sait que ça va arriver, ça fait beaucoup de peine. Merci René pour ces grands moments. Tu es rare, tu restes encore mon patron!", a écrit Garou sur Twitter avant d'ajouter: "Mes sincères sympathies à toi Céline et à toute l'équipe de coeur, de grands cœurs. René nous lègue les plus belles valeurs". C'est sur le compte Twitter de Céline Dion ou sur son site officiel que les fans ont découvert la triste nouvelle hier soir.
 Le mari de la chanteuse québécoise, René Angélil, est décédé à son domicile de Las Vegas des suites d'un cancer. Il avait 73 ans. Suite à cette annonce, de nombreux messages de soutien ont été postés sur les réseaux sociaux. "René, Bowie, Galabru, Delpech... Dieu a commencé 2016 avec de drôles de résolutions", indique Michaël Youn.

"Ma douce amie Céline Dion. Bouleversée. Pas de mots, mon cœur est avec toi. Mes bras te serrent à l'infini. Tout mon amour pour toi et les enfants", a écrit Hélène Ségara. Patrick Bruel a quant à lui fait remarquer que René Angélil était "généreux, visionnaire et tellement respectueux des autres". Xavier Dolan, grand amateur de Céline Dion, a lui aussi souhaité laisser un petit mot: "Mes condoléances à Céline Dion et sa famille. René Angélil lui fît toucher les étoiles, qu'il rejoint à présent".

Viol sur une femme mariée: Le Parquet requiert la relaxe du prévenu


Palais de Justice de Dakar

Le procureur n’est pas convaincu des accusations portées contre Boubacar Sidy Ba. Il a requis la relaxe pure et simple pour le délit de viol et trois mois pour celui de charlatanisme. Le mis en cause qui a nié les faits devrait patienter jusqu’au 4 novembre pour être édifié sur son sort.
Après dix mois de détention préventive,
Boubacar Sidy Ba pourrait recouvrer sa liberté le 4 novembre prochain. Le Parquet qui ne trouve en lui aucun motif de condamnation a requis la relaxe pour le délit de viol et une peine couverte par sa détention pour le délit de charlatanisme. Le prévenu comparaissait pour ces deux chefs d’inculpation au préjudice de la dame Fatim Mbengue, mariée et mère de 4 enfants. Selon le Parquet, «la matérialité et l’imputabilité du viol posent problème et l’existence d’un acte sexuel n’est pas établi», déclare le maître des poursuites en soulignant la versatilité de la partie civile à la barre qui, tantôt, soutient que c’est un gris-gris ou une amulette qui lui aurait été remis par le prévenu qui lui aurait dit de l’introduire dans ses parties intimes, tantôt elle dit qu’il s’agissait d’un papier contenant des écritures coraniques.
Suffisant pour le procureur de requérir la relaxe pure et simple pour le délit de viol.
Pour celui de charlatanisme, rien n’établit que ces actes sont posés, a dit le maître des poursuites. Mais reconnaît-il, c’est le prévenu en personne qui a déclaré à la barre être un marabout et avoir remis une potion à la dame. C’est pourquoi il a demandé de le déclarer coupable de ce chef et de le condamner à 3 mois de prison ferme.
Dans sa relation des faits, la dame Fatim Mbengue a déclaré qu’un jour, alors qu’elle revenait du marché Khelcom, le prévenu l’a tapotée à l’épaule. Et quand elle s’est retournée, il lui a demandé les nouvelles de sa belle-mère.
Quelques jours après, poursuit-elle, «j’ai laissé mes enfants à la maison et je me suis rendue chez lui. Je l’ai trouvé dans une chambre où il était avec ses enfants. C’est ainsi qu’il m’a introduite dans une autre où se trouvaient ses outils de travail. Il m’a dit qu’il allait me faire une consultation. Il m’a remis une amulette et m’a demandé de l’introduire dans mes parties intimes. Je lui ai dit que j’allais le faire une fois à la maison, mais il m’a dit de le faire chez lui. Quand j’ai accédé à sa demande, j’ai perdu connaissance. J’avais l’impression de dormir. A 18 heures, quand j’ai repris connaissance, j’ai senti que mon slip était mouillé, mais je ne lui ai rien dit et je suis rentrée. Depuis lors, je n’ai plus vu mes menstrues. Je pensais que je souffrais d’une maladie. Quand je suis allée à l’hôpital, les médecins ont décelé un kyste. C’est au 7e mois que j’ai réalisé que je suis tombée enceinte. A part lui, je n’ai fréquenté aucun autre homme et mon mari a émigré il y a trois ans», a expliqué la partie civile devant le juge.
Des accusations balayées d’un revers de la main par le prévenu. « Elle était venue à la maison pour des consultations. Je lui ai remis une potion magique pour son enfant et pas des amulettes », a nié le sieur Boubacar Sidy Ba.
Des dénégations que l’avocat de la partie civile assimile à une fuite de responsabilités. Pour Me Ndiongue, le prévenu ne veut pas assumer ses responsabilités paternelles. S’il l’avait fait, «nous nous garderions de porter plainte», dit la robe noire avant de réclamer en guise de dommages et intérêts 10 millions de francs.
En tout cas, il sera difficile de situer la responsabilité du prévenu, car malgré la naissance du bébé âgé aujourd’hui de 8 mois, les tests n’ont pas été faits à cause de l’Irm qui est tombée en panne.
Du côté de la défense, l’on pense que la dame n’a pas dit toute la vérité dans cette affaire.
Selon Me Moïse Dione, cette femme qui capitalise 10 ans d’expérience dans son foyer peut bien savoir si elle a été violée ou pas. Estimant que rien ne permet de retenir le viol, Me Ndione a plaidé la relaxe pour ce chef de même pour le charlatanisme. Le Tribunal se prononcera le 4 novembre prochain.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Furious Wife Beats Up Cheating Husband, His Girlfriend

shop here

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! And an incident, involving an unfaithful husband, jilted wife and terrified lover, that is decribed below proves it.
Please, scroll down for photos and video below!
What would be your reaction if you caught your husband red-handed cheating on you? This woman took justice into her own hands and beat her spouse and his girlfriend to a pulp, filming the whole process on camera.
A husbaand cries when his affair is discovered in a hotel room
The video clip that has already making rounds on the internet shows a naked couple having sex in a hotel room, when the man’s furious wife and her friends are trying to pull them apart. The mistress is trying to hide her face, while the woman kicks and slaps her in the face.

The girl’s clothes are yanked off as a man wags his finger at the guilty pair
The man tries to protect his lover who is seen crying and screaming to the top of her lungs. After minutes of scratching, hair pulling and brutal fighting, the sobbing lovers are left alone.

The clip, captioned “Husband protects mistress from being beaten by wife” surfaced online in late 2015 and has been shared almost 600,000 times. Recently another revenge porn video was uploaded to Youtube showing .

Tuesday 12 January 2016


Watch Us Hack A LIVE WordPress Site
...With Top Security Plugins Running

Why Exploits Are The BIGGEST Threat To Your Site Security Today

You Are Already Paying
for Other People's Coding Mistakes

1000's of New Vulnerabilities Each Year Allow Hackers To Break In

Like it or not you are already paying for other people's mistakes... Vulnerabilities are programming mistakes that allow hackers to break into a website. So the main reason why security is such a big issue today is human error... It's the reason for most accidents & the reason for 98%+ of hacker attacks.

Hackers Don't Even Break a Sweat...
Download Exploit... Copy... Paste... Hacked!

10,000's of Exploits are Available To Download For Free Right Now

There are literally 100's of sites offering exploits allegedly for "ethical reasons". These sites are like a free locksmith's store with bump keys for any website. The reality is anyone can download an exploit & deploy it - this could be a hacker, someone you've upset or even a bad competitor.

1 Million+ Sites Were Hacked or Defaced by Exploits

And That's Just in the last 12 Months

In The last 12 months over a million sites were hacked or defaced by exploits. Just one simple plugin vulnerability allowed hackers to inject 50,000 sites with malware, defacements, phishing portals & spam.

In April 2015 over a million sites were left wide open to hackers when a vulnerability was found in a popular cache plugin.

Last month Wordpress admitted that there was a major vunerability that allowed hackers to launch amplified brute force attacks leaving ALL 73 million Wordpress sites totally exposed.

Exploits are now the #1 risk to any Wordpress owner. The biggest problem is NO QUALITY CONTROL - many WP plugin & theme writers are not trained in secure coding practices & the code isn't checked so your site becomes a security guinea pig.

Just 1 Bad Plugin or Update & Your Site Is Theirs

How Would Even You Know Which One?

Hackers have 1000's of exploits at their disposal - these exploits don't even require any skill - just COPY, PASTE, hit ENTER - HACKED!

Once a hacker discovers what vulnerability your site has it's a simple case of Googling the "plugin name + exploit" - downloading the code & deploying it on your site.

Hackers are lazy by nature... it's a common belief that hackers slave away trying to break into sites - nope... it's a case of find a bad plugin in your code - download exploit & it's all over.

Now unless you have loads of time on your hands to look through exploit sites or are a security programming genius that can find a needle in a haystack, you'll never know how exposed you really are.

You'll Get Blocked By Search Engines For Hosting...
A Fake Store, An Attack Site or A Phishing Site...

There' s nothing worse than being told by one of your customers that your site is blocked by Google.

Before your site even gets blocked though there's a very good chance that many of your visitors will become vicims of hacking...

Their PC's may be infected with password stealing malware, their credit card details may be skimmed, or they will simply see some hactivist's message & totally lose trust in your business.

Now that's hardly a sensible way to operate a business.

Your Site, Your Reputation, Your Rankings
& Your Domain Value Destroyed

Most of us work our asses off to build a solid reliable web businesses... We spend years building & ranking sites, building our reputations, we spend $1000's on ranking... then some smart ass sitting in their mother's basement in his underpants screws it all up in a second.

Now even if you are dilligent & have protected your site with the best security money can buy - you'll still get hacked. An exploit is like giving a hacker the key to the door - currently there is little or no protection for that.

And to top it all whatever market credibility or value your website had... it's gone - once hacked your site is worth buck squat ... big fat zero!

It's Going To Cost You Days & $1000's To Restore, De-Blacklist + Re-Rank

Hacking is actually the least of your worries - the headaches that come afterwards are going to keep you busy for a very long time

Your site will amost certainty be blacklisted & the removal process means that you'll have to apply to each one of the 30+ security agencies to get the all clear.

Before that comes the cleanup & trying to work out how much damage was done... you'll probably need to restore from a backup - assuming you have a recent backup & you'll also have to work out how the hacker got in to prevent the same thing happening again.

Then of course comes the costly task of regaining your site's SEO ranking...

All because of a simple assumption that our site was safe...

If You Keep Getting Hacked By Exploits
You'll Get Booted By Your Host

If can't pinpoint the the plugin or theme that caused you the problem, the chances are you'll install it again & you'll get hacked again.

Most of us don't have the skill to work out which of our plugins/themes are vulnerable or the experise to look through millions of lines of code to find the culprit - so your choice will be pay experts or guess.

If you think your host is going to spend hours with you trying to resolve the problem - they won't. They are in the business of making money & charging you for hosting.

So if you keep getting hacked you'll become a problem & they will simply terminate your service.

Think Your Site is Safe? Think Again...

The Following Plugins, Services & Policies FAILED Our Tests

  • WordFence Plugin
  • All-In-One Security Plugin
  • Better WP Security Plugin
  • iThemes Security Plugin
  • Acunetix Plugin
  • Bulletproof Security Plugin
  • CloudFlare
  • Reverse Proxy
  • Server Firewall
  • WP Updates
  • Secure Hosting

Bottom Line is...
Your Site is Wide Open Right Now...

92% Of Wordpress Hack Attacks Are Via Exploits

New WP Plugin Autodetects & Blocks Exploits
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When any suspicious activity is detected the IP is instantly blocked & the hacker is banned. This prevents the exploit from executing & also shuts down all further hacking attempts.

By eliminating both exploit & the bad user you massively reduce the risk of site getting hacked.

This is the only plugin on the market that offers active protection against current & future exploits as it looks at visitor behaviour rather than the attack code.

Blocks Attacks Even If You Have Vulnerable Plugins

New Technology Blocks Behaviour & Emails You Hack Attempt Details

You'll never know if your site is at risk - currently there is no way of getting notified of any risky plugins or updates your site may already using

With WP Site Guardian this is irrelevant as the plugin focuses on hacker activity rather than the vulnerability

While your competitors are stuck scratching their heads, trying to figure out what to do without their lists, you'll be laughing to the bank, since you're not promoting without competition.

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Massively reduce your processor & memory load by eliminating resource hungry security plugins you won't need anymore

WP Site Guardian offers unparalleled protection against exploits.

YES - you still need a reputable managed host
YES - you should be using VPS or dedicated hosting
YES - you should be updating plugins automatically
YES - you should use anti-brute-force protection

WP Protection
WP Site Guardian
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